A Little History

A Little History

Many connoisseurs agree that it is the world’s best. An exquisite balance of aroma, body and acidity is the medley that makes Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee very special. However, it is the mellow, sweet aftertaste that makes this unique brand a cut above the rest! Of the 28,000 acres dedicated to growing coffee in Jamaica, only 9,000 of these are within the legally defined Blue Mountain coffee growing parameters.Jamaican coffee comes from the Arabica Typica variety, which yields a bean which is very delicate and flavorful. The growing process produces a high-yield crop with optimum acidity. The high mountain regions afford ideal growing condition, where the mist keeps the plants damp and cool. Plus…Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee has two-thirds less caffeine than other arabica coffee!

In 1728, the Jamaican Governor Sir Nicholas Lawes introduced coffee to Jamaica, specifically to the parish of Port Royal –today renamed as St. Andrew-, from the island of Hispaniola, now Haiti. Natural conditions proved to be most favourable and the product was found to be of very high quality. Cultivation expanded rapidly and by 1800 there were 686 plantations in operation. With the abolition of the slave trade in 1807, followed by the emancipation in 1838, the industry declined rapidly, due primarily to the lack of labour. In 1814, exports totaled 15,199 tons, but by 1850 only 186 plantations were in operation and exports had fallen to 1,486 tons. During the last hundred years the pattern of plantation coffee grown has changed and the industry has been maintained mainly by small holders.

World famous Jamaican coffee has commanded the admiration of coffee connoisseurs throughout the world for centuries. Shipments of Jamaica Blue Mountain® coffee in the early 1800s commanded premiums of several thousand English pounds per ton. The Jamaica Blue Mountain® coffee experience integrates a cup of exceptional balance and an exotic and intense aroma, along with an intricate range of flavor notes which may include within the bouquet, a subtle hint of herbs, spice and chocolate.

The coffee is cultivated high up in the mist-covered Blue Mountains of Jamaica which peaks at an altitude of 7,402 ft above sea level. The specialty coffee world recognizes that Arabica Coffee produces a far superior cup than the Robusta coffee and in the Jamaican coffee industry, it is the species of choice.The micro-climates of the Blue Mountains – its balance of sunshine and shade, its rich, volcanic-based soil, unique rainfall distribution and the surrounding flora and cool temperatures, offer superb conditions for the slow maturation of the coffee cherries. This slow maturation process stimulates the development of the flavor-enhancing compounds which contribute to the unique qualities of the Jamaica Blue Mountain® coffee cup.

As with the finest handcrafted items in the world, the care and processing of Jamaica Blue Mountain® coffee is carried out by skilled artisans.Only bright-red cherries are selected by experienced reapers and then pulped within the Blue Mountains. The red, soft outer skin is removed, and within twenty-four hours the wet beans are transported to certified processing facilities. The wet beans are then sun-dried, stored and cured in wooden silos or jute sacks for no less than eight weeks.

This curing process heightens the transformation of the flavor-enhancing compounds within the bean that contribute to the mellowness of Jamaica Blue Mountain® coffee. Jamaica Blue Mountain Green Coffee Beans is the only coffee in the world that is packaged and shipped in wooden barrels; this is done to preserve the integrity of this – the most sought after coffee globally!